About & Contact / Connect

Personal Background

I grew up in a lovely suburb in the southeast of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. My father’s career began with building computers and managing teams of computer builders. He was also instrumental in helping a friend start an IT company called Tower Systems. Being around computers from a young age, I developed a natural affinity for technology.

Over the years, I've built computers for family and friends, experimented with different operating systems, hosted and created multiple websites, and gained familiarity with networking, DNS, Linux, and more. My passion for programming continues to grow, particularly in HTML, CSS, and Python.


Currently, I am pursuing a Certificate III in Cybersecurity, IT Programming, and Networking at Chisholm Institute. This program has allowed me to deepen my knowledge and skills, preparing me for a dynamic career in the tech industry.

What is NeuroNexus?

NeuroNexus is essentially an online hub, or "nexus" (a connection or series of connections linking two or more things), where I host game servers, showcase my portfolio, and offer my services. It’s a culmination of my hard work and passion for technology.

I am always open to collaboration and actively looking for opportunities to expand my network and work on exciting new projects.

Contact Me

If I have sparked your interest and you want to learn more about my work, please feel free to reach out. I look forward to hearing from you!

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Favorite Quote

"If you try it, you might like it." - My Parents